Reynolds Cut Rite Wax Paper To Make Your Cooking Easier
November 22, 2024 Explore Blogs
If you are curious about Reynolds wax paper and how it makes cooking easier, don’t worry. We have compiled everything you need to know about Reynolds wax sheets. So just continue reading to satisfy your curiosity.
Reynolds wax paper has numerous benefits, from covering foods in the microwave to prevent splatters to easy counter clean-ups and craft projects. The versatile characteristics like non-stickiness and grease resistance make it an ideal choice for every restaurant, cafe or bakery. It is an excellent food wrapping and kitchen paper that makes your cooking or baking experience easier and more delightful. Here is a detailed blog about Reynold wax paper sheets to answer your queries and make your cooking smoother and better.
What is Wax Paper?
It is a coated paper also known as Paraffin paper that is used in kitchen and food packaging. Paraffin paper is treated with a thin layer of wax on both sides This coating treatment makes the paper moisture-proof and prevents the food from sticking to its surface. This paper serves broad purposes in commercial and home kitchens.
What Is Wax Paper Made Of?
The production of wax roll sheets undergoes various steps starting from paper production to wax application. Here we will discuss the complete manufacturing process of wax sheets.
Crushing and Paper Creation
The first step starts with wood pulp which is processed through mechanical and chemical methods to form thin sheets of paper. This paper acts as the base for wax paper. The manufacturers ensure to make the paper smooth enough so that the coating will adhere evenly to the paper. But, the next step is performed when the paper is formed and dried completely.
Wax Application
This is a major step in the development of customised wax paper. During this method, the coating is applied to both sides of the paper. The wax used is mostly paraffin which is a petroleum by-product and a nature-friendly option. The wax is heated to a liquid state and then applied to the paper in the given steps.
During this process, the paper is passed through a bath of liquid wax that coats both sides of the paper. After this, the paper is passed through cylinders to provide a smooth coating and remove any extra wax.
This is another method for wax application. It involves spraying the melted wax onto the paper as it moves along a band conveyor. This process allows for more accurate control of the wax denseness and coverage.
Blade Coating
In this process, the wax is utilized on the paper using blades to uniformly spread the wax all across the surface to get a firm and steady layer of wax.
After the whole process, the paper is cooled down to solidify the wax creating a smooth and non-sticky waxed paper surface.
Temperature and Moisture Resistance
Wax paper excellently resists moisture due to its wax coating that prevents water, oils and fats from seeping through. These properties make it a perfect choice for wrapping greasy or moist food items. The wax sheets must not be exposed to high heat or temperatures as they can melt or create a mess. However, you can use them as perfect wrapping papers as they work well in cold temperatures. It protects the food from the freezer burn. Due to the thickness and flexibility of the paper you can easily and tightly wrap your foods, preserve them for longer times and maintain their freshness.
Flexible Features of Wax Paper
Wax sheets are versatile and offer huge benefits, particularly in the food industry. Here are the common applications of Reynolds wax paper.
Food Wrapping
Similar to custom deli paper, wax sheet paper is commonly used to wrap sandwiches, deli meats, and bakery items. The moisture and grease-resistant properties prevent the food from any outer damage and contaminants.
Lining Surface
Another great feature of waxed sheets is that they can be used to line countertops, trays, or cutting boards to prevent sticky food particles from adhering to the surface. It does wonders when working with dough or sticky foods like candy or chocolate.
However, wax sheets can not be used in the oven but still you can use them in some baking applications such as underneath cakes or cookies as they cool and prevent them from sticking to the surface.
Food Presentation
Like food basket liners, this paper can also be used to line baskets or trays. This adds a layer of grease resistance and also enhances the food presentation.
Craft Projects
Besides the food industry, wax sheet roll is widely used in craft projects. The non-stick surface makes it an ideal choice for activities like ironing leaves, creating stencils or even printing designs onto the fabric.
Cut Rite wax paper oven safe – Confused?
If you are confused about the use of wax paper in the oven then your answer is here, Wax paper is not suitable for oven use. The wax has low melting points and causes melted wax, smoke or even ignite when exposed to high heat. You cannot use this paper for roasting or cooking foods in the oven. However, you can use these sheets in the microwave at lower temperatures.
Freezer Safe Wax Sheets
You must be aware of sandwich paper that is used for wrapping foods. In the same manner, wax papers can be used in wrapping foods for freezer storage. They can withstand lower temperatures, prevent the foods from freezer burning and maintain their original texture. So, freely store your delicious foods in these cut rite wax paper bags for longer times.
Wrap Up!
Reynolds cut rite waxed paper is used widely in the food packaging industry and helps brands promote their business by adding their logos and texts onto the paper. Moreover, these cut rite paper sheets make your business a top choice in the markets of Canada.
If you do not know where to buy wax paper then don’t worry simply contact us at waxpapers.ca and get the customized wax sheet at wholesale and bulk discounts.